Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 : New Years Resolution

Ah, January 1st! Whatta day .... You get to indulge in black eyed peas and other goodies and promise yourself resolutions you might break by January 3rd! I know how everyone feels about New Years Resolutions ... You know, not keeping them and all. But did you make any? What goals do you have this year? Did you keep the one's you had last year? And if you did keep yours from last year, how did you do it?

Here's my resolutions:-
Become a better Christian!I plan to get more involved in my walk with Christ. I would like to start reading my Bible atleast 5 times a week if not everyday. This resolution is not just for children as well.

Say something positive or uplifting to my husband everyday! With a two year old and an infant, it is easy to get caught in the day to day schedule of their lives. Then, you soon forget about yourself and the one that you fell in love with before the baby's crying and toddler running around in circles.

Loose weight and get in shape! I know, I know! That's everybody's resolution but I actually do plan on keeping this one because I just signed a one year contract to a gym to make sure I get fit.

Well, I hope that everyone has a wonderful new year.

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