Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Christian!

Dear Christian,

Another year has come and gone and you have gone through even more changes. So much so that when I look back at pictures from the day you were born I can barely recognize you as that little baby I used to be able to cradle in my arms.

Over the past year you’ve mastered walking, or more precisely, sprinting. You have also started talking and are uttering your first sentences. Each day we build new things with blocks and read an endless number of books that seem to have stirred your imagination.

Almost on a daily basis you surprise your daddy and me with the things you’ve discovered in your world. Whether it is how to jump off the couch or as simple as a letter, color, or number, there is always something new for you to observe and dutifully report to us.

Even as you exert your independence with the simple words “I do it!”, you have shown us great things in how considerate you can be. Whether making sure everyone (Mommy, Daddy, Kayla, Aspen, Bo and anyone else in the room) gets a kiss good night or sharing your toys with your sister and your friends, we are very proud of you.

You are a true joy to be around. You have such a cheerful disposition. You love to smile and make others smile. Your laugh melts my heart every time. You are definitely ALL boy. You love playing chase, you love playing sports related games and you love to tackle. However, you do have a very sensitive side. Your feelings get hurt when someone yells at you (especially your sister) and you love to cuddle. You will come up to me in the middle of the day, give me a kiss, hug me and say “I wuv you!” Love It!!!

Right now the concept of birthdays and things wrapped up in shiny paper may not mean a whole lot to you, but to me they are all part of this journey, your journey. I am honored to be part of it and excited for all the things your future holds.

As you celebrate your second birthday you are fortunate to be surrounded by family that loves you more than mere words can express.

Love always,


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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Annual Bluebonnets

This years bluebonnet pictures were not the best.  I kept putting off packing the kids up, driving to a nice patch of flowers, bribing the kids to smile for Mommy until it was almost to late.  So, the flowers were not as abundant as I would like.  But we did get our annual bluebonnet pictures (and fire ant bites).