Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kindergarten begins…

The first day was VERY hectic and VERY wonderful.  First having to get up at 6am…that is a tough one for the Schneider family.  But we did it. I cant believe we made it and had time to take photos before leaving. It was difficult waking my sleeping beauty up, but after a few tickles and kisses she was up and ready to get going.



Whew! Out the door and had time to take a few pictures. 

Off to Meridian World School.  Now, being a new a school and having 110 kindergarteners and their parents (plus all the other kids in 1st-8th), you can guess the chaos and uneasy nerves in the air.  We arrived at 7:55.  At first, I felt like a cow being herded into a pin.  It was CRAZY!! Once we were corralled into the “Common Room” it was all good.  Kayla found her class line and then it was “mommy who?”  She immediately found her friend, Sierra.  The two sat together in line and then started talking to another little girl sitting next to them.  The three girls chatted up a storm as they waited to be walked to their Kindergarten room.  When Ms. Cossey’s class was finally called (30 minutes later), all the children stood and the three girls held hands and walked to class together.  I will admit, I was nervous. Will she meet new friends?  Will she enjoy her new school?  However, after seeing the three little girls smiling and giggling there were no more nerves by mommy…she would be fine.  10 steps in front of the parents and then right into the room. Never once did Kayla look back.  She was gone into the room and into her seat.  No good bye kiss.  Sniff. Sniff.  I wanted to stay around and take pictures, but it was already 8:45 and I knew the staff was ready for ALL the parents to leave so the day could get started.

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Picking Kayla up was great.  The smile on her face as she ran out of the school was priceless.  A smile of happiness.  As we got into the car, she told me about all the new friends she met, all the fun activities and best of all how much she enjoyed school.  I decided to take the kids for a treat after, I off to McDonald’s with some friends for ice cream.  DELICIOUS!

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Two weeks have passed and Kayla is still loving school. Her favorite part of school is of course PE.  The homework is also another part of school that she is enjoying.  It is not like last years homework, practice writing your letters and memorize sight words.  So far this year we have had fun assignments like make up a game with a deck of cards, a scavenger hunt and research a culture.

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Can you guess what culture we researched?

I am so happy that Kayla is enjoying Kindergarten. Even today she asked if she could stay later for the after school programs .  Wow, she must really like it.  Happy kid, makes for a happy mom!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Tough Little Girl

Kayla can stand with the toughest kids.  She can give that intense glare that reads “Beware!”

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But, she is still a little girl.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

When it is over 100 degrees outside…

there is only one way to cool off.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day for My Three Year Old

Christian’s first day in his three year old class at First Baptist Weekday Education Program was GREAT.  This year he did not cry when I dropped him off.  He did not grab on to my leg begging me to stay.  This year he walked right in and started working on his morning craft. Yah!!!

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And as always, he was the last one to wake up during nap time (I think nap time is his favorite part of the day).


Love you Christian!!!