Sunday, November 11, 2007

Where does time go....

Our little girl is 17 months today. WOW!!! I can not believe how time has past us by. It feels like just yesterday Jon and I were bringing her home from the hospital. It has been so amazing watching her develop. Her personality seems to come out more and more each day. She loves helping me out with the house work. She gets so excited when it is time to vacuum. I tell her to pick up her toys so we can vacuum. She squeals with delight and then begins to attempt picking up her toys. At night, she will stand next to the dogs while they eat their supper waiting in suspense for them to finish. Once they have cleaned their plates, she will pick up the plates (paper plates) and throw them away. Afterwards, she runs into the living room clapping her hands. Of course every now and then she tries to throw away non-trash items (like her tennis shoes). Laundry. Well you can see by the picture on how she likes to help. Kayla also has a very mischievous personality. Today, I caught her army crawling very slowly towards the dogie door. Normally she bolts to the door and tries to get out before I can say "no!" I guess she thought I would not see her. Climbing. Well we definitely have a little monkey on our hands. She has learned how to crawl up the pantry shelves. I turned around the other day and there she was standing on the bottom shelve and pulling items of the shelves above her. I about freaked out. The funniest thing (I probably should not laugh) is when I give Kayla my stern look. Instead of boughing down, Kayla decides to give me the look back. I try to not laugh but it is hard.

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