Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Weekly update...

My intention is to post something at least once (if not twice) a week. However, with two kids running around constantly, working (on a per needed basis) and trying to get back in shape has left very little quiet time for me. The quiet time that I do have tends to be me cleaning the house (okay I admit...Facebook is the culprit).
So what have we been up to....play dates at the various water parks around town (a must in this heat), school (two days a week) for Kayla, and more water activities. I tried to get Kayla to stick with t-ball this summer. However, after leaving in the middle of several practices and one game, I called it quites. I had a hard time deciding if we should stick with it or not. I want to teach Kayla that when she starts something she needs to finish it. But, getting two kids packed up, driving 20 minutes to practice, unloading the kids, standing around in 104 degree heat, and only staying ten minutes is exhausting and not fun. So when Kayla said she did not want to play t-ball, for selfish reasons I decided not to push the "if you start something you need to finish" speech.

The kiddos playing together and having a good time. Finally!!

My little boy...loves being outside.

My little girl, my princess.

What a smile!

1 comment:

lauren_kitts said...

cute pictures AMY*** You sound so busy hope you get some rest!!!MISS YOU ALL!