I think I have written this letter over and over. This might be the tenth time to write my thoughts down. I want to say so much to you and for it to make sense. So, if I start rambling, I am sorry. I just want you to always have these words and know how much I love you. So here goes…
Today June 11, 2010 is your 4th birthday and I want you to know how much I love you. Right now, this letter may not mean much to you. Maybe you’d rather have some colorful princess card. In the future, though, as you grow up, you’ll always have the memories that come with this letter.
At this stage in your life you love.... gymnastics, mermaids, swimsuits, butterflies, Batman, kittens, singing, ponies, and bugs. And if you so desire to be "rock star" like you've mentioned on a number of occasions, than so be it. May you hold onto your glorious imagination and incredible stage performances for the rest of your life. I will always be there watching you my sweet sweet incredibly princess...
At this stage in your life you are realizing the world around you. You are starting to understand life and asking questions. You have a remarkable way of putting things into perspective. You have taught both Daddy and I, to slow down and always tell those around you how you feel and to always give one another a hug and a kiss before leaving. (For this, I am grateful).
So, today you turned four and not a day passes by without me thanking God for such a wonderful, active and amazing little girl.
You have such a wonderful personality. You are caring, wise and a very strong willed individual. You always try to make everyone happy. If someone is really sad, you are right there to help, with a hug, a kind word, or a gesture of compassion. You now exactly when to say, “I love you so much Mommy!” and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don't hear those loving words. There also isn't a day that goes by that you don’t try to negotiate your way out of or into something. It has taken me four years to learn that rather then saying no or because I said so (which seems to crush your spirit), I negotiate back until a compromise is met. From books to other articles that I have read, people say that raising a strong willed child is no easy task. However, these children will be leaders one day and they will take their willpower and dedication to unimaginable heights if their decision-making, independence and spirit are nurtured. I see this in your future. So with that, I embrace the stubbornness, the negotiating skills, and the ever ending energy. For I know that one day you will accomplish great things.
I love you my princess…I pray that your life is filled with joy and love. I pray that your spirit is never crushed and that it is always embraced. I pray that you grow to be a strong, confident young lady that always follows her dreams.
I love you and HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY!
5 Weeks Old (2006)
One Year Old (2007)
Two Years Old (2008)
Three Years Old (2009)
Four Years Old (2010)