Monday, January 14, 2008

At 19 months old....

Sorry I am getting this posted so late. It has been a crazy past couple of weeks.
I can't believe Kayla is now 19 months. In less then 5 months, Kayla will be 2 years old and will have a new sibling. Kayla is growing so much. Her personality comes out more and more each day. She is a very determined little girl. She is becoming more and more independent with each new day. She wants to try and do everything herself; from picking her clothes out to even trying to put her own diaper on. This independent nature is fun to watch but can be frustrating when we are in a hurry. Kayla has realized that she loves pizza. For five days straight, Kayla only wanted to eat pizza and how can you say no when she says, "Pzza please." .Kayla also learned how to blow bubbles. It took several times of sucking in the soap and making an awful face before she realized exactly what to do. Now we have a bubble fanatic on our hands. Kayla loves to hear her ABC's. She has a alphabet book that when I am not able to read to her, she will sit down and try to recite her ABC's by herself. It is pretty cute, "A, B, E, I, E, O, ..." There are so many new things that she is doing and saying. She is just growing so much. There is something new each day that she amazes me with. Before I know it she will be in collage, and then getting married and having kids of her own

1 comment:

Mom,Memaw and Grandmother said...

Amy I love your web page. Keep these coming. I have informed Aunt Billie and Aunt Zelda about your page also. I am sure you have told Aunt Carolyn. Love you guys Memaw.