Monday, April 5, 2010

Up to My Neck in Easter Eggs

I think five Easter Egg Hunts in a 4 day span is way to many (and that is NOT counting Easter day hunt).  What am I going to do with 100 plastic Easter eggs?  I hate throwing them all away.  I always keep them and tell myself…next year I am going to use these rather then buying new ones.  However, it never fails, I go out and buy a couple dozen more eggs.  I guess in a couple of years, I can host my own community Easter Egg Hunt.

This years, hunts started out like the previous years.  Kayla only wanted to pick up the PINK ones and Christian did not care about finding the eggs as much as opening them up and seeing what was inside (and then proceeded to eat it).  Kayla soon realized that if she just picked up all the ones that she could, she would fill her basket and have more treats.  So, by the end of the Easter fun, I was thankfully not stuck with ALL pink eggs (only 2/3 were pink).

Enjoy the pictures from three of the five hunts…

Easter Egg Hunt #1

Easter Egg Hunt #2

Easter Egg Hunt #3..Christian would not get near the Easter Bunny.  He just stared at him (which I really don’t blame him, he kind of scared me).


Three Men and a Little Crazy said...

That is hilarious! Zach did the same thing, eating as he went. Cute pics! And I agree, our kids are way spoiled with all these hunts. Didn't we only have one? :)

Three Men and a Little Crazy said...

PS- I also save all of our eggs...and then buy more. :)