Sunday, March 7, 2010

Texas Weather…

Sunday February 21st, it was beautiful.  High 78 degrees.  So, how does it snow ALL day two days later.  Crazy weather.  Well, the kids sure enjoyed it.  I had to wake Kayla up Tuesday morning for school.  Normally, she lays there complaining that she is still tired.  Not, this morning.  Instead, I asked her to look out the window.  She gazed out the window, rubbed her eyes, looked out the window again, and then jumped out of bed doing a crazy snow dance.  “Lets go Mommy! lets go play in the snow!”  I could not get her dressed fast enough. She had a great time playing in the snow before school. After school, she played in it more.  Attacking me with snowballs.  I tried to get her to make a snowman.  However, she just wanted to run around and throw snowballs.  Christian was not sure about the snow at first.  He wanted to stay in side were it was warm.  However, after watching Kayla for a few minutes, he started running around trying to pick up snowballs and throw them at me.  His snowballs consisted of getting snow on his hands and rubbing it off on my legs. 


Rebecca Ballingall Gilson said...

Looks like the kids had fun. Might be the only snow they see for a long while.

Three Men and a Little Crazy said...

Fun! Cute pictures!