Wednesday, March 3, 2010

21 months old..

Wow, my little guy! He is growing up so fast. The past couple of months have been amazing.  My little boy is no longer a baby, but he melts my heart everyday just like the first day that I met him.

Christian loves to dance and sing. 

He loves to torment his sister (great!).  Just tonight, Kayla told him to throw the ball to her.  He pointed in another direction and said, “There.”  “No, over here!” says Kayla.  Christian looks at her, smiles real big and points behind him and says “There!”  Needless to say Kayla got very frustrated and Christian just grinned real big.  Great!

We believe, Christian will be left handed.  He draws left handed, kicks a ball with his left foot, uses his fork with his left hand.

Christian loves to read books and points out EVERYTHING in the pictures.  I mean everything…from the grass to the clouds, from the stars to the sun, from the pages numbers to the letters.  We cant miss a thing.

Christian eats NON STOP.  Today he had five mini pancakes, a banana, two (yes two) P&J sandwiches, Doritos, grapes, 3/4 of  a New York strip, carrots and chocolate flavored fish.

Christian loves to pretend that he is a monster and tackle you (if he keeps eating like he did today, I am if he tries to tackle me). 

My favorite…Christian still loves to cuddle and give kisses.   From day one, he loved to be held.  Even today, he wants Mommy to hold and cuddle him.  Every night, we read and rock.  One of my favorite evening rituals.

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