Thursday, February 26, 2009

9 months and growing

9 months old...21 lbs 8oz, 27 3/4 inches long.

Wow,wow,wow as wubzee would say (for those who are unfamiliar with Wubzee, he is a cartoon character that Kayla enjoys watching). Christian is such a happy little boy. He wants to play all the time. He is doing so many things....
* Peek-a-boo is one of his favorite games.
* He also loves attacking Kayla or playing chase with her. He laughs and laughs as the two of them play. Sometimes, he starts laughing so hard that he has to lay his head down, take a few minutes and catch his breath. It is so cute to see.
* Christian has two teeth coming in. So, our nights have been a little rough but we are getting through it.
* Christian has started walking behind and pushing ride on toys and the laundry basket to get around. Every now and then, he will try and let go of the couch or what ever he is holding on to (2 seconds is his max in standing and then down he goes). Soon, he will be up and running.
* Christian loves to take a bath. He is just like his sister and splashes water everywhere.
* Christian gets furious when you try to hold him down to change his diaper. I have tried singing to him, giving him something to play with, everything. I just have to hold him down and work as fast as I can to get him changed.
* Christian hates when something is taken away from him.
* Christian has started recognizing not only Daddy, Mommy and Sissy, but Aspen, Bo and other family and friends. He greats people with a big smile.
*Christian loves the tv remote.
* Christian loves to dance to any type of music. He will get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth to the beat of the music. Too cute!

1 comment:

The Daily Stroll said...

Cute pictures! I love the picture of him in the glasses! Too funny!